Improving Performance of a Distributed File System using Object Store Devices and Cooperative Cache

A. Teperman and A. Weit (Israel)


distributed file system, object store device, cooperative cache, nodes failures, network delays


zFS is a scalable distributed file system that uses Object Store Devices (OSDs) for storage management and a set of cooperative machines for distributed file management. This work describes the zFS cooperative cache algorithm, which is resilient to network delays and nodes failure. The work explores the effectiveness of this algorithm and of zFS as a file system. This is accomplished by comparing the system’s performance to NFS using the IOZONE bench mark. We also investigate whether using a cooperative cache results in better performance, despite the fact that OSDs have their own caches. Our results show that the zFS prototype performs better than NFS when cooperative cache is activated. Thus, zFS performance scales well when the number of participating clients increases. We also demon strate that using pre-fetching in zFS increases performance significantly.

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