Fuzzy Choices Support for Agent-based Automated Negotiations

X. Qiu and I. Georgescu (Finland)


Agent negotiation, decision-making, fuzzy choices, fuzzy preferences, and degree of dominance


This paper presents a model of multi-criteria negotiation with one seller and multiple buyers in multi-agent systems. We model a mechanism in which agents are able to use quantitative data and evaluate it by ranking the buyer’s offers according to the degree of dominance for fuzzy choices, in order to give the seller an optimal decision. Our analysis relies on basic concepts of preference modeling in fuzzy set theory. Moreover, we employ empirical evaluation by comparing our approach with Van de Walle et al.’s method. The main original contribution of this paper is that the results show that by fuzzy choices one can determine a ranking of alternatives (offers) with respect to each criterion and overall. Therefore, the seller will have a direct way to select the best offer.

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