Students as Knowledge Architects: The TôLigado Project - Your School Interactive Newspaper

B. Passarelli (Brazil)


: Interactive Learning Environments, Virtual Learning Communities; Web authorship, Internet in Education.


This article introduces the TôLigado Project –Your School Interactive Newspaper, a interactive virtual learning environment conceived and developed by the Interfaces in Education Research Group (LIntE) at the Shool of the Future Research Laboratory - University of São Paulo, Brazil and implemented by São Paulo State Secretary for Education, as a result of a partnership among both institutions. Devoted to high school students and teachers as well as to first grade students (7a and 8a series) among the 2931 schools equipped with SAI – Ambient Rooms for Informatics. This distance learning project constitutes a initiative to overcome some fragilities of the teaching/learning process as, for example, the construction of knowledge based on research activities. The TôLigado project also aims to increase students autonomy for research , collaborative work and net authorship. Results of the first year implementation are also presented.

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