High-Speed Texture-Preserving Digital Image Inpainting

A. Whitehead, P. Bose, and V. Audet (Canada)


Image Processing, Image Inpainting, Image Restoration, Image Quality


Automatic image inpainting is a process that attempts to automatically restore flaws in digitized images. The ob jective is to automatically fill in missing data simulating results achieved manually by professional painting re storators. Inpainting can be employed to remove objects as well as text, but more importantly to repair imperfec tions in images and scanned photographs. In this paper we present a novel inpainting algorithm which improves upon previous work by significantly reducing the time required to inpaint an image, yet providing improved vis ual results as well. Furthermore, our algorithm works well on larger restoration areas by estimating a functional view of texture and therefore maintains the texture in the in painted regions.

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