An Adaptive Real-Time Skin Detector for Video Sequences based on Optical-Flow Motion Features

F. Dadgostar, A. Sarrafzadeh, and M.J. Johnson (New Zealand)


Dynamic skin detection, Skin motion features, Hue histogram, Skin colour space.


Various applications like face and hand tracking and image retrieval have made skin detection an important area of research. However currently available algorithms are based on static features of the skin colour, or require a significant amount of computation. On the other hand, skin detection algorithms are not robust to deal with real world conditions, like background noise, change of intensity and lighting effects. This situation can be improved by using dynamic features of the skin colour in a sequence of images. This article proposes a skin detection algorithm based on adaptive Hue thresholding and in-motion pixels of the image. The membership measurement function for recognizing skin/non skin is based on the Hue histogram of skin pixels that adapts itself to the user’s skin colour, in each frame. This algorithm has demonstrated improvement in comparison to the static skin detection algorithms.

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