Seamless Integration of Stovepiped Data Sources for a Web-based Program Management System

F.H. Born and W.A. Bosco


Web Enterprise Systems, Design Collaboration, Web Reporting, Case File Management, Data Sharing and Best Practices.


The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Information Directorate (AFRL/IF) in Rome, NY manages multi million dollar technical research programs funded by the Air Force and other federal agencies. Contracts with corporations and universities accomplish the bulk of this research work. The administrative workload involved with the oversight of these contracts prompted the need for automated tools to assist in the management process. In response to this need, the Information Directorate (AFRL/IF) developed a web-based program management tool for report submission, document sharing, technical collaboration, internal management, and electronic case file management. This paper will address issues surrounding the development of the web-based program management system (called Jiffy), and in particular, the issues involved with interfacing several stove-piped data systems that pre existed Jiffy. The paper will also discuss lessons learned through successful implementation of the tool across the Information Directorate of AFRL and some lessons learned via the school of hard knocks during the deployment of the tool to the entire Air Force Research Laboratory.

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