OFDM Transmission Resource Optimization in HMM-Fading Wireless Channels

K.A. Prince, B. Krongold, and S. Dey (Australia)


Wireless, OFDM, optimization, HMM, composite fading


We advance our previously developed framework [1]–[2] for predictive dynamic transmission resource allocation for time-varying frequency-selective fading following a Hid den Markov Model (HMM) distribution, and our evaluation of the resource allocation as a convex optimization problem is presented. This treatment is extended for composite fad ing, incorporating additional fading effects marked by rapid development and an attendant rapidly-decaying time auto correlation function. We then illustrate framework applic ation in a composite fading environment exhibiting com ponents of both fast and slowly developing fade processes. Results are presented, as well as a direction for future re search.

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