Mathematical Model of Driving System with 2H Converter for Investigations of Transient Phenomena and Sensitivity

Z. Głowacz and K. Jaracz (Poland)


power system, thyristor converter, mathematical model, sensitivity


In this paper the problem of mathematical describing of complex driving system with 2H thyristor converter in stochastic conditions is considered. This system has been described using algebraic, logical and stiff differential equations. Created mathematical model permits to inves tigate the transient phenomena. On the basis of mathe matical model of driving system the associated sensitivity models have been constructed. Associated models permit to determine the influence the variations of system pa rameters and stochastic disturbance parameters in supply voltage of armature on the behaviour of driving system with 2H converter. Criterion of sensitivity of system on variations of system parameters and probabilistic parame ters of stochastic disturbance component has been de fined. In this paper are presented transient responses and sensitivity functions of driving system with 2H converter. Investigated driving system belongs to discrete continuous systems.

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