Voltage Stability of Wind Power Systems using Bifurcation Analysis

S.A. El-Kashlan, M. Abdel-Rahman, H. El-Desouki, and M.M. Mansour (Egypt)


Wind power systems, voltage stability, bifurcation. Nomenclature Vd and Vq: direct and quadrature axis components of induction generator terminal voltage. dE′ and : real and imaginary components of inductionqE′ generator voltage behind transient reactance. sr : stator resistance of induction generator. dI and : direct and quadrature axis components ofqI induction generator injected current. X : induction generator open circuit reactance. X ′: induction generator open circuit transient


This paper deals with the voltage stability analysis of wind power systems subjected to gradual parameter variation, such as load variation using bifurcation theory, in which the system is studied by the eigenvalues of the linearized system differential-algebraic equations (DAE). It is shown using a single induction generator connected to the grid how the loadability curves (nose curves) can characterize the maximum load that can be installed before the voltage collapse occurs. This is an important contribution in the emerging field of wind generation connected to the main power system network, in particular its impact on the stability of the system due to the dynamic characteristics of wind generation.

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