Dynamic Modelling of the Diffusion in a Dyeing Process, Part I I: Temperature Influence

M. Casetta and V. Koncar


Modelling, diffusion coefficient, temperature, polyester


This paper is the second one dealing with the mathematical modelling of the diffusion during a dyeing process. In the first paper [1], a mathematical model describing the diffusion coefficient evolution as a function of time, initial dye concentration, and dyebath nature was proposed. This model applies to the dyeing of polyester fibres with disperse dyes. The influence of temperature variations on the diffusion coefficient is the main subject of this second paper. First, a more accurate method for the diffusion coefficient computation is developed, leading to improvements of the previous model. Then, this model is reconsidered (completed), including the temperature variations influence and finally, it is tested and validated with a dyeing experiment having an imposed temperature profile.

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