Dynamic Security Constrained Pool Dispatch in Competitive Electricity Market

S.N. Singh and A.K. David


Deregulation, dynamic security, spot prices, pool dispatch, transient energy margin


This article studies the impact of incorporating dynamic security considerations on dispatch in the operation of a power pool in an open-market environment. Making a system dynamically secure may require the re-dispatch of generators in an unbundled system and have an effect on pool prices and on commercial competition between generators. Achieving a commercially transparent and technically justifiable approach, therefore, is very important. The authors use a transient energy function approach to calculate the stability margin of the system after clearing a typical fault. A hybrid method is applied to calculate the approximate unstable equilibrium point that is used to locate the exact unstable equilibrium point that is required for establishing an energy margin. Re-dispatch is undertaken if this margin is inadequate. The apportionment of dispatch changes among generators is made sensitive to price signals so as to allow competition among generators. This article considers pool dispatch only.

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