A Secure Migration Method of Mobile Agents on Ja-Net on Grid

S. Numata, T. Itao, T. Ogawa, M. Tsukamoto, and S. Nishio (Japan)


Mobile Agents, Grid Computing, Security


Ja-Net on Grid is a mobile agent system, by which to sim plify parallel computation in a grid environment. Ja-Net on Grid has established a security mechanism for agent hosts so that every agent host can accept only trustwor thy agents, using a security infrastructure called GSI pro vided by Globus Toolkit. However, it has not considered the security of agents, therefore, malicious hosts could at tack agents by tampering with agents' inner variables. Al though restricting migrations for untrusted hosts can make agents secure, that also will decrease many available hosts and limit the utilization of the vast number of computing resources on grid network too much. In this paper, we pro pose a new method to secure agents even working on un trusted agent hosts, and enable the agents to continue their task processing on every host on grid network. We describe the method in detail and its prototype implementation, and evaluate its performance.

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