Analysis of Component Sizing for a Wind-Hydrogen-Diesel Stand-Alone Power System

T. Houstein and V. Karri (Australia)


SAPS, RAPS, renewable energy, modelling, simulation


The performance of a wind-hydrogen-diesel Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS) is a complex non-linear function of several variables, including the sizes of components. This makes determining suitable component sizes a difficult task. Studies have employed computer modelling as a tool to aid in this process. In this paper the influence on system performance of the sizes of three components is investigated: Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), electrolyser, and hydrogen storage tank. A simplified model of the system was used to perform an extensive parametric analysis of these component sizes. The percentage of load energy met by renewable energy, the Renewable Energy Penetration (REP), was used as the measure of system performance. Hydrogen Storage Sources Loads Fuel cell or HEGS WECS DEGS Load (end users) Electrolyser Storage The results are presented in a rational format with insightful analyses given. It was found that the same REP may be achieved with multiple system configurations. One of these configurations may be deemed to be more favourable based on economic, environmental or social considerations, or a combination of them.

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