A Performance Comparison of Mobile Ipv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Regional Registrations

L. Osborne and R. Ramadugu (USA)


Mobil IPv6, TCP, home agent, correspondent agent,foreign agent, local area mobility protocols


IETF proposed Mobile IPv6 to address the IP mobility problem in the next generation Internet Protocol IPv6 by which mobile nodes are reachable while roaming in the Internet. But Mobile IPv6 is optimized for macro level mobility .So several micro (local area) mobility protocols were proposed for fast moving mobile nodes. We conducted a performance evaluation of Mobile IPv6 and its proposed micro mobility solutions i.e. Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 Regional Registrations. Our simulations showed that within the local domain, the performance of HMIPv6 and the performance of RRMIPv6 are much better than that of MIPv6, that the performances of HMIPv6 and RRMIPv6 are similar, and MobilIPv6 outperforms HMIPv6 and RRMIPv6 at higher mobile node movement rates.

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