Super-Orthogonal Space-Time PSK Trellis Codes for Fast Fading Channels

A. Birol, Ü. Aygölü, and M. Yücel (Turkey)


Super-orthogonal space-time trellis codes, rapid fading.


Super-orthogonal space-time trellis codes (SOSTTC) given in [2] are full rate, full diversity space-time codes with high coding gains for quasi-static fading channels. In this paper, this design approach is extended to fast fading channels and new SOSTTCs are proposed for BPSK and QPSK modulations based on the design criteria valid for this type of channels. The new codes have 4- and 16-state trellises for BPSK and QPSK cases, respectively, to avoid parallel transitions which restrict the error performance. The frame error performances are evaluated through computer simulations and it is shown that the proposed codes have superior performance in fast fading case compared to their counterparts previously designed for quasi-static fading channels.

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