Personalization in Content-based Retrieval of Home Videos

E. Vildjiounaite, A. Sachinopoulou, J. Lahti, H. Lothman, S. Jarvinen, and P. Pietarila (Finland)


Personalization, Home Video, Content-based Multimedia Retrieval, Mobile Multimedia


This work studies a problem of personalization in the domain of content-based retrieval of home videos. The studies are made using a system prototype developed for content-based search of home videos, which allows recording, storing, annotating and showing of home videos on different platforms including mobile phones. This work presents results of a user study concerning the ways of shooting and showing home videos, identifies common scenarios and problems, and proposes simple ontology-based method for fast annotations and classification of videos recorded by e.g. mobile phones. Experimental results of video retrieval on the collected database of home videos show how this method facilitates real-time personalized home video presentations.

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