A Graph based Approach to Automatically Chain Distributed Multimedia Indexing Services

B. Haidar, P. Joly, and S. Haidar (France)


Distributed Multimedia Systems, Automatic Multimedia Indexing


This paper proposes a distributed platform for automatic multimedia indexing; the platform allows the automatic composition of multimedia indexing tools. Our goal is to automate and simplify the production of some complex multimedia description and to provide more flexibility in the collaboration between multimedia indexing research team. A central server allows the control and collaboration of the distributed indexing tools. Web services are used to access multimedia indexing tools. The communcations are based on SOAP-RPC calls. We propose a chaining algorithm based on the Input/Output data types. This automatic indexing algorithm aims at automatically finding a subset of tools and their interactions to produce an index required by a user. The algorithm produces an execution graph representing the expected chain.

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