A Streaming Video System using Adaptive QoS Control Rules

Y. Kato, K. Hakozaki, and D.M. Jiang (Japan)


multimedia communication, streaming service, user-level QoS, rate control, best-effort networks


This paper proposes a streaming video system adapting to various system environments. Until now many studies of adapting QoS (Quality of Service) contorl methods have been made in the area of streaming video technologies in the Internet. However, these methods have not been able to provide sufficient service quality to system users under re cent diversification of system environments. We therefore design the system based on three ideas. First, the system conducts switching of streaming servers. This switching makes it possible to combine multiple control mechanisms and to use the combination for QoS control. Second, the system adopts simple estimation methods of network con ditions which are needed for adapting QoS control. Estima tion accuracy is gradually modified while users are watch ing streams. Third, the system notifies information of net work conditions to system users. This makes it possible to provide streaming services with high level of user satis faction. We conducted implementation experiments using the proto-type system in our laboratory. From these exper imental results, we found out that the proposed system was adaptable to various system environments, that the system could keep service quality using a simple control method, and that the QoS notification decreased the level of user dissatisfaction of service quality.

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