An Alerting and Notification Service on the AT&T Enterprise Messaging Network

S. Jora, R. Jana, Y.-F. Chen, M. Hiltunen, T. Jim, H. Huang, K. Ow, A.K. Singh, and R. Mut


alerting, notification services, user profiling, enterprise mes saging.


In this paper we analyze the utility of a mobile middle ware platform, the AT&T Enterprise Messaging Network (EMN), which provides an alerting and notification service. This service has two major components, namely the Alert Management Platform (AMP) and the Alert Dissemination Engine (ADE). An analysis of a well-designed web service interface is provided to show interconnection between the two entities. An attempt is also made to illustrate how such a system can be used flexibly in a generic way as part of the recent homeland security's bio-terrorism and emergencyno tification initiative. We also discuss performance and scala bility issues learned from our own experiences of deploying such a system nationally.

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