Fiber Broadband Access Networks: Workload Characterization, Modelling and Validation

R. García, V. García, X.G. Pañeda, D. Melendi, and J. Pérez (Spain)


Modelling, simulation, resources consumption, cable networks, traffic.


This paper provides a precise analysis and characterization of the generated traffic in a real fiber network for voice and data transmission. This research operates with real data from more than 33,000 users. The most significant applications (ftp, http, p2p services, ...) have been processed. Also, a model of the traffic generated in this fiber broadband access network is implemented, representing the usage that network subscribers make of the system. The traffic in each controller is obtained from the aggregation of the separated traffic streams originated by the user's applications, using the number of subscribers assigned to each controller. We demonstrate that this traffic is statistically self-similar, such behavior having serious implications for the design, control and analysis of high speed networks. The results in these processes have been validated using the real data provided by a fiber network operator. For the accomplishment of the model, the OPNET simulation language has been used.

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