A Data Structure for Content-based Routing

S. Tarkoma and J. Kangasharju (Finland)


Web and Internet Systems and Tools, Parallel and Dis tributed Processing, Optimization Techniques, Internet Computing


In this paper, we formally define a useful data structure for content-based routing and event delivery. The poset (par tially ordered set)-derived forest data structure is induced by the partial order created by the covering relation be tween event filters. Two extensions of the basic data struc ture are discussed: colored forests and the weakly merging forest. We give performance figures for the data structure using a workload generator and compare it with the filters poset structure. The experimental results indicate that the poset-derived forest performs considerably better than di rected acyclic graph-based structures. The presented al gorithms and mechanisms generalize to any covering re lations and are thus applicable for different filtering lan guages.

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