AADD: Autonomic Adaptive Distributed Deployment of Component-based Services

P. Backx, B. Van Den Bossche, B. Dhoedt, and P. Demeester (Belgium)


Internet Architectures, Optimization Techniques, Parallel and Distributed Processing, Component-Based Services 1 Distributed Applications 1.


Most recent enterprise scale software services are built using component based frameworks, which not only simplifies the development process but also has the advantage that the application can scale in the future if demands rise. In fact, an application built with components can be run on a cluster of servers without the need to rewrite any code but by simply modifying the deployment configuration. However, because this deployment is usually done manually this step does not scale very well. Especially deploying over a wide area network is very complicated because it needs to take many parameters into account, such as network load and latency. In spite of the added complexity, wide area deployment does have a number of advantages such as reduced server load, a reduction in network traffic and reduced latency for the users. In this paper an application model and distribution heuristic are presented to allow for a fully automatic deployment of components over a wide area network. Furthermore, dynamic adaptation to changing usage patterns is supported. A proof-of-concept implementation is then presented using the JBoss application server.

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