Two-Phased XML Content Adaptation for Appropriate Handling of User Context

K. Matsuyama and N. Saito (Japan)


XSLT, XML, content adaptation, privacy, user context


This paper presents two-phased content adaptation mechanism with open standard technology (XSLT, XPath, and HTTP) for protecting user privacy data. In ubiquitous computing environment, content providers should supply adaptive content depending on user context (device capabilities and user preferences). Although context data includes privacy data that should not be disclosed via the Internet, previous works hardly mention about it. We propose the simple extensions of XSLT mechanism that divides transformation process into two phases for handling with user context data appropriately. The two phases transformation process consists of the XSLT for a client machine (Cl-XSLT) and the XSLT for a server machine (Se-XSLT). We will describe the design and implementation of our framework and also give a sample application regarding e-learning.

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