Didactics, Technology, and Organisation of Project based Distance Education

M. Knudsen, O. Borch, and J. Helbo (Denmark)


Distributed learning, continued and distance education, project collaboration, Web-based learning.


The didactics, technology, and organization of an ICT supported distance engineering Master education are de scribed. A systematic monitoring and evaluation of the basis year has given useful experience, subsequently used for adjustments and improvements. A successful on-campus project organized learning method applied at Aalborg University has been trans ferred to the off-campus situation. Experience show that didactic adjustments are required, in particular for obtain ing an optimal balance between course and project work. Project collaboration in groups requires communication, synchronous as well as asynchronous, which is possible with extensive utilization of new information and com munication technology. Virtual meetings are conducted with text, sound and video based communication. Also the organization requires technology. A new learning management system, specifically designed to the didactic form, was constructed. This system, called Uniflex, han dles project work, courses, and exchange of information between the administrative coordinator, students and teachers.

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