Context Aware Service Oriented Architecture for Web based Education

S.J.H. Yang, B.C.W. Lan, I.Y.-L. Chen, B.J.D. Wu, and A.C.N. Chang (Taiwan)


IMS Learning Design, Context-aware, SOA, OWL-S


In the past years, most of e-learning researches devoted themselves to the exchange and interoperability of various educational materials such as LOM and SCORM. Recently, IMS Learning Design specification provides a generic and flexible language to support pedagogical diversities in online learning. In this paper, we proposed a context-aware SOA to enable the reusability of both learning designs and learning materials by treating them as Web Services. We utilize OWL-S as the service description language to support reasoning procedures and teachers can utilize the semantic matchmaker to retrieve desired learning designs and learning materials in a semantic manner so that they can compose their learning scenarios more efficiently and flexibly.

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