Nuclear Power Plant Simulation and Safety Analysis with Atlas

T. Voggenberger, D. Beraha, and F. Cester (Germany)


Nuclear power plant, Simulator, Reactor safety,


A survey of the ATLAS environment, a tool for the simulation of nuclear power plants and reactor safety analyses, is presented. The basic configuration, including a wide spectrum of simulation models, the interactive visualization system and a data server, is described. The modelling capabilities comprise general fluiddynamics and thermal-hydraulics, core damage, neutron dynamic models and the containment models for the pressurization and fission product behaviour. The visualization provides interactive process diagrams that may be designed by a graphic editor. A 3D-visualization tool is also integrated. Several analysis support tools are added for extended safety studies. Uncertainty analyses, operational procedure simulation and a leak estimation system are explained in more detail. Examples for the application of ATLAS in detailed plant specific analysis simulators, in the training of severe accident phenomena and for human factor analyses are given. The present development is focused on transient recognition and the increase of the simulation speed of the models.

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