Optimization of Mechanical Systems Reliability using Ant Colony based Simulation Approach

J.-H. Zhao (PRC), T.-M. Dao, and Z. Liu (Canada)


Reliability, Ant Colony System, gear train system, series parallels systems, multiobjective optimization.


The Ant Colony System is well suited to reliability allocation problem (RAP) of gear train system, and offers distinct advantages compared to alternative optimization methods. While the redundancy apportionment problem does indeed exist in many forms, it generally involves the selection of components and redundancy levels that produce maximum benefits, and are subject to the cost and weight constraints at the system level. This is a common and extensively studied problem involving system design, reliability engineering and operation research. Through the combination of probabilistic search, multi-objective formulation of local moves and the dynamic penalty method, the multi-objective ACSRAP allows us to obtain an optimal design solution very frequently and more quickly than with other heuristic approaches.

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