GPS and Kalman Filter Integration for Application in Autonomous Vehicles

M. Méndez, R. Soto, and J.L. Gordillo (Mexico)


GPS, Kalman Filter, Fuzzy Tuner, Automated Guided Vehicles.


In this paper a methodology for integration of a Kalman Filter and a Global Positioning System (GPS) is presented to estimate the position of an autonomous vehicle. To further improve the estimation of the position given by the integration of the GPS and the Kalman Filter, a fuzzy system (Kalman Fuzzy Tuner) is designed which notably reduce the RMSE of the position coordinates, i.e., latitude, altitude and longitude. Using experimental characterization of the position and error of the GPS and the equations of the Kalman filter, simulations are carried out to test the feasibility of the proposed integration. Simulation results showed better performance of KF-GPS with the Kalman Fuzzy Tuner.

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