Industry Short Course Development in Biomedical Engineering – Challenges and Opportunities for Universities

H.E.R. Rudolph and A. Brown (Australia)


Teaching and learning, short course, customized delivery,industry collaboration, energy medicine.


While strong relationships exist between industry and universities in terms of research, the ability of universities to be responsive to industry needs for industry-relevant short courses has been less evident. In biomedical engineering in particular, the rapid rate of development of technological and nanotechnological devices and systems has created a need for industry practitioners to constantly revisit their skills and develop their knowledge in new and emerging areas. This paper describes the way in which the biomedical engineering discipline of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at RMIT University liaised with industry to develop a customised course in "Energy Medicine" an overview of electromagnetic influences on living systems. It then details the higher education system constraints which affect such development. and makes recommendations for academic institutions relating to industry initiated courses.

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