The Whiplash Injury in Rear-end Collision using 3-D Human Whole Body Model

Y.-B. Kang, M. Tanaka, S. Tsutsumi, and K. Ikeuchi (Japan)


Three dimensional human whole body finite element model, Whiplash injury, rear-end collision, Oblique direction, Cervical behavior


Many studies have been conducted to reveal the mechanism of the whiplash injuries. In those studies, it was suggested that the whiplash injuries were resulted in the damage of soft tissues in a cervical caused by the particular motion of the cervical after occurring a rear-end collision. Those studies have been performed with just two dimensional analysis. However, the collision occurs in various directions on the real accidents. Therefore, in this study, we developed the three-dimensional human whole body finite element model to investigate a complex cervical behavior caused by a rear-end collision. Each relative vertebral behavior were estimated in case of the rear-end collision from an oblique direction. The compressive stresses were calculated in the soft tissues of the cervical. In our finding, the torsional behavior was observed in a cervical spine. In addition, the compressive stresses in the facet joint were increased more higher than that of the conventional rear-end collision. Therefore, the risk of whiplash injuries may be more highly increased in the case of oblique collision compared to the conventional rear-end collision.

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