Simulation of Strategical Abilities in Pedestrian Movement using Cellular Automata

J. Wąs and B. Gudowski (Poland)


Simulation, cellular automata, crowd dynamics


An understanding of crowd dynamics mechanisms is helpful in the development of pedestrian facilities. Over the last years, plenty models of pedestrian dynamics using the techniques of Social Forces or Cellular Automata have been constructed. The majority of the models take into consideration only operational and tactical abilities of pedestrians. Contrary to current works, this article describes a model focused on some strategic abilities of pedestrians. The object of our research is the process of evacuation from a large room using several exits. All pedestrians are randomly placed across the room and they have a possibility of heading for any exit that allows them to leave the room as quickly as possible. Each pedestrian can change the the exit, they are heading for, at every step of the simulation. The decision is determined by a function which has been named the cost function. The cost function, which determines pedestrian decisions, has three criteria: the first is the distance from a pedestrian to each exit, the second is the crowd density in the neighbourhood of each exit, and the last one is the dynamics of the change of crowd density in the neighbourhood of each exit. A pedestrian has a set of individual features, presented in the cost function by set of criteria weighs. On the basis of the model, the authors have developed C++ application, where pedestrians movement is presented.

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