A New Functional Approximation Modelling of Image Contours using the Nonuniform Fluency Sampling Function

T. Motoyama, T. Kawabe, K. Nakamura, and K. Toraichi (Japan)


Functional approximation, Image contour, Nonuniform Fluency sampling function


This paper presents a new functional approximation method for image contours based on the nonuniform Flu ency sampling function. Over the past several years, we have been studying about D.T.P. (Desktop publishing) sys tems based on functional approximation, and our systems have been highly praised for good approximation in the hu man comfortable feeling. To obtain the more precise and natural approximated images than conventional one, we in troduce the topological concept by using the nonuniform Fluency sampling function. This paper also includes ex perimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with the conventional one.

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