Solving Group Mutual Exclusion Problem using Backup-Quorums

A. Khosrozadeh, M. Khodaparasti, M. Jahanshahi, and A.T. Haghighat (Iran)


Quorum, coterie, mutual exclusion, k-mutual exclusion, group mutual exclusion.


One of the important problems in design of distributed systems is the mutual exclusion problem. There are two classes of the algorithms that proposed to solve this problem: token-based and permission-based algorithms. New proposed algorithms of permission-based type trying to improve the algorithms which want to obtain permission from all of processes in the system. One of these algorithms is Maekawa's protocol. In this protocol a set of sites is associated with each site, which called quorum. Many algorithms proposed to create quorums for solving the mutual exclusion problem, which are on the base of Maekawa's protocol and use logical structure to create quorums. But a new work field is the group mutual exclusion problem, where processes of the same type or same group can enter into their critical section simultaneously. The technique of the algorithms that solve this problem is verifying types for the processes of a system. Our proposed algorithm also is based on Maekawa's protocol and with verifying types for the processes of a system solves the major problem of this protocol, which want to obtain permission from all quorum members to enter into critical section.

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