Designing and Implementing XService: A Generative Communication Web Service Container System

D. Comes and G. Chiola (Italy)


Generative communication, peer-to-peer, SOA architecture, UDDI, WEB Service container.


The need of linking together and interoperating applica tions running on different platform has been steadily grow ing since the early Eighties. Today the main problem is finding a trade-off between information sharing among companies and organizations and, at the same time, keep ing organizational autonomy for each individual partner. In principle, WEB Service technology is very suitable to this purpose. However there is the need for a framework that is capable of locating WEB Services and their providers. With this target in mind, a few years ago Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba, designed UDDI. Yet, UDDI is not a widespread system, probably because of its lack of flexibility in search ing for services. Consequently, WEB Service technology hasn't had the success that one would have expected. In this article, we describe XService, an alternative solution to UDDI based upon generative communication and peer-to peer technologies. Distinctive characteristics of XService are the possibility of searching by semantic criteria and of avoiding service publication.

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