Online Mobile Interstate Bus Reservation System in Malaysia

W.W. Tan, Y.H. Lee, S.L. Chen, and S.C. Tan (Malaysia)


Mobile, Internet, Reservation, SMS (Short MessageService), GSM (Global System for Mobilecommunications), Malaysia.


Bus reservation system had been implemented in Malaysia for decades, initially from manual to computerized reservation system. Online bus ticketing and reservation services are effectively increasing in the market since it was launched by Park May in year 2001. Currently, many people and companies are starting to gain insights of the express bus reservation system. Considering the bus ticket reservation system that has undergone a continuous evolution in the recent year, it is time for online mobile reservation system to jump on the bandwagon. This paper introduces the online mobile interstate bus ticketing reservation system that has been developed to facilitate the development of shared virtual environments. The main objective of this project is to assist the public in gaining an easier and faster way of reservation. Providing them with more selections, real time information. The bus companies are able to offer customers the precise estimation of bus schedule in the service arrangement and reminder. This system is implemented by integrating online mobile technology with XML web services. It delivers sophisticated reservation solutions that keep sellers and buyers on the cutting edge these days.

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