Performance Comparison of Two Hybrid ARQ-FEC Error Control Schemes for Real-Time Traffic

J.M.C. Brito and I.S. Bonatti (Brazil)


Wireless ATM, Error Control, ARQ, FEC, Performance


ATM networks are designed considering an optical link in the physical layer. The main problem to implement a wireless ATM network is the high and variable bit error rate in the radio link, making it necessary to use an additional error control mechanism. The traditional techniques for error control are ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) and FEC (Forward Error Correction). The ARQ technique works better than FEC, if the bit error rate in the channel is low, and worse, if the bit error rate is high, indicating that hybrid ARQ-FEC techniques can improve the performance. Several hybrid ARQ-FEC error control schemes have been proposed to overcome the error bit rate problem in wireless data networks. In this paper, two hybrid ARQ-FEC schemes are analysed in an environment of real-time applications. The throughput and the mean time delay to transmit ATM cells are the parameters used to compare the performance of the hybrid schemes.

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