A 18.7 dB Gain, 2.0 dB Noise Figure Low-Noise Amplifier in SiGe Technology for Various 2.4 GHz Applications

J. Alvarado, Jr., J.S. Duster, and K.T. Kornegay (USA)


-- Wireless Communication, RF and High frequency Circuits, Analog Circuits, Integrated Circuits, proportional to absolute temperature, Low-Noise Amplifier.


-- A monolithic low-noise amplifier (LNA) was designed and fabricated using a 0.5m 47 GHz fT SiGe BiCMOS process. Measured results validate peak performance at 2.46 GHz, which makes the LNA suitable for 802.11b/g, BlueTooth, HomeRF, Cordless Phone, and ISM applications. The LNA produces a noise figure of 2.0 dB, a power gain of 18.7 dB, an IIP3 of +6 dBm, an input match better than 10 dB, and an output match of less than -28 dB. A temperature-compensating bias voltage source was also implemented to ensure a gain variation less than .01 dB/C. The amplifier dissipates 15 mW from a 2.5 V supply at room temperature, including the bias circuitry.

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