Use a Fuzzy Inference to Electric Load Modeling in Power Distribution Systems

W. Zalewski (Poland)


Load modeling, Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy inference, Electrical power distribution systems.


. In electrical power distribution system, load modeling process is complicated because load system is usually monitored at only a few points. As a rule receiving nodes are not equipped with stationary measuring instruments so measurements of loads are performed sporadically. In general, the only information commonly available regarding loads, other than major distribution substations and equipment installations, is billing cycle customer kWh consumption. In order to model system uncertainty, inexactness, and random nature of customers' demand, a fuzzy system approach is proposed. This paper presents application possibilities of the fuzzy inference method to the electrical load modeling Clustering of load profiles in different part of system was used to classify the substations. A regression model, expressing the correlation between a substation peak load and a set of customer features (explanatory variables), existing in the substation population, is determined. Simulation studies have been performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme and an effect of different parameters on its accuracy on the basis of actual data obtained at distribution system substations.

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