Modelling of Flashover on Ice-covered EHV Insulators

M. Farzaneh, J. Zhang, and J. Farzaneh-Dehkordi (Canada)


Modeling, Atmospheric Icing, Insulator Flashover, Low Air Pressure


In this paper, the flashover phenomena on ice-covered insulators are studied and a mathematical model is presented for predicting the flashover voltage of ice covered insulators under various conditions. The model is validated by the experimental results obtained with EHV full-scale post insulators, suspension insulators with different diameters at normal atmospheric pressure, and short strings of suspension insulators, at low air pressure. The comparison shows that there is good concordance between the experimental results and those calculated with the model. This model is helpful for understanding the flashover phenomena on ice-covered insulators and a powerful tool for the design of outdoor insulators in cold climate regions.

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