A Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use, Real-Time Power System Simulator

R. Memisevic, P. Sanderson, S. Choudhury (Australia), and W. Wong (UK)


Power system, MatLab/Simulink, power system simulator, dispatcher training simulator, cognitive engineering


We present the design rationale and basic workings of a low-cost, easy-to-use power system simulator developed to support investigations into human interface design for a hydropower plant. The power system simulator is based on three important components: models of power system components, a data repository, and human interface elements. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) allows simulator components to communicate with each other within the simulator. To construct the modules of the simulator we have combined the advantages of commercial software such as Matlab/Simulink, ActiveX Control, Visual Basic and Excel and integrated them in the simulator. An important advantage of our approach is that further components of the simulator now can be developed independently. An initial assessment of the simulator indicates it is fit for intended purpose.

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