A Design and Implementation for Efficient Multimedia Contents Protection in Web-based Environments

B.-R. Ahn, Heon Kim, and D.-J. Hwang (Korea)


DRM, Web-based DRMS, XARPA, XrML, IPR, XML,RMS, REL, interoperability, agent system


In this age of digital information, DRM (Digital Rights Management) is already becoming a very important technology enabling protection and management of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) in all digital environments, as copyright infringement is increasing as rapidly as distribution and sharing of digital contents through online. In this paper, we introduce Web-based DRMS (DRM System) using an agent [8, 9] called XARPA (eXtended Active Resource Protection Agent) in a fixed and mobile environment and attempt to illustrate the outline how to create active resource protection and management environments in real time. Moreover, through XARPA, we sketch out the requirements for a DRMS and present its system architecture and framework designed for flexibility and compatibility, including rights description and its metadata [6], identity, trade, monitor, track, [4] and managing rights holder relationships. We want interoperability of DRMs and content so that it is able to protect any type of content and enforce IPR using original file formats. Finally, we will illustrate the development motivation and theory of XARPA system as well as the control mechanism and functions that has been used to implement XARPA system. We will try showing outlook for XARPA in the future as well as we discuss the issues focused on the framework design and its implementation for a robust DRMS.

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