Unique ID Hiding Technique for Internet Broadcast Service of Digital Audio

J. Kim, S. Shin, B. Song, D. Rhee, K. Bae, and J. Choi (Korea)


Audio watermarking, ID hiding, Internet broadcasting,copyright protection


In this paper, a technology was suggested to embed and extract unique identification information for copyright protection and identification of the contents that are pro vided in Internet broadcasting service. To spread service of Internet broadcasting into digital contents market, many technologies should be developed, such as copy right protection and illegal distribution prevention, copy right fee payment, illegal user tracking, and others. The technology suggested in this paper embeds two data into digital contents. Embedded are information of user that is uniquely generated from user's applications, and information of copyright owner that uniquely identi fies contents creators or distributors. The first information of user is very useful in tracing illegal distribution of the content, or in identifying users, when the user illegally copies or distributes digital contents. Even when the user records digital music in display into recording devices, it can be traced back to the user. In this paper the digital filters are used to hide ID information. We achieve robustness to various lossy compression algorithms, such as MP3, AAC, WMA, and others. Also, the quality of audio is around 80[dB] and this means there is no degradation of the audio signal because of the in formation hiding.

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