Admission Control in the Presence of Background TCP Traffic

L. Kontothanassis and W.-T. Tan (USA)


admission control, video streaming, mixed data traffic


Large corporations use their intranets for a variety of tasks, including among others, e-mail, HTTP access to cor porate data, and updating security and anti-virus software on remote desktops. Most of these tasks use communi cation protocols such as TCP that incorporate congestion control to ensure forward progress when sharing a network link with other tasks. Recently however, a new class of ap plications has emerged that seeks to use corporate intranets for webcasts, employee training videos, and distribution of real-time sales material. This new class of applications of ten has real-time constraints and is thus based on commu nication protocols such as UDP that incur smaller delay, and do not implement congestion control. As a result it becomes possible to inundate a network link with traffic, resulting in unacceptable performance or even outages for users of the traditional TCP applications and poor experi ence for the users of the new UDP applications. In this paper we seek to examine the interactions between those two types of traffic and to show that using appropriate ad mission control policies for real-time traffic we can main tain high network utilization, ensure high quality stream ing, and guarantee forward progress for TCP flows.

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