SIP and MPLS Simulations on Network Simulator 2

L. Alcuri, M.L. Fasciana, and F. Saitta (Italy)


SIP, Differentiated Services; MPLS; Quality of Service;Traffic Engineering; Network Simulator


Next generation multi-service networks must meet basically two fundamental requirements: Quality of Service (QoS) in an Internet-based context and Traffic Engineering (TE) functionalities. DiffServ-over-MPLS stands for the most reliable solution to fulfill them in a flexible way, and SIP is the designated Next Generation Networks session management protocol. Anyway, even if on their own SIP, DiffServ and MPLS technologies have been the subjects of several works, the design and the implementation of the integrated SIP and DiffServ-over-MPLS solution still presents unsolved aspects. This paper presents SIMPSONS (SIp and MPls Simulations On Network Simulator 2) that is an extension of network simulator NS-2 [10], giving an overview of the involved technologies and the possible solutions that can be implemented in such a scenario. The aim is to realize a tool able to simulate different SIP-MPLS solutions and to provide some guidelines for the analysis and the design of different network scenarios.

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