A Hybrid Approach for IPv6 Multihoming Providing Fault Tolerance and Load Balancing Capabilities

C.-M. Huang, C.-H. Tsai, and P.-C. Su (Taiwan)


Multihoming, Router Advertisement, Fault Tolerance, Load Balancing, IPv6, ICMPv6.


Multihoming allows a site/host to connect to multiple Inter net Service Providers (ISPs) simultaneously. Network fault tolerance (service resilience), load balancing, and provider independent service can thus be achieved using the mul tihoming technique. In this paper, a hybrid IPv6 multi homing approach, which combines the host-based multi homing approach and the router-based multihoming ap proach, is proposed. In the proposed design, Router Ad vertisements defined in Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) is adopted to handle the multihoming message exchange between the router and the hosts within the IPv6 multihomed network. The corresponding system implementation called "MultiGate6" offers fault tolerance, load balancing, and provider independence services to both site and host levels. Hosts within the multihomed network are able to establish connections through multiple links si multaneously. With the five load balancing policies pro vided in MultiGate6, congestion of a single link can be pre vented and thus bandwidths of links can be utilized more efficiently.

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