Optimum Wavelength Assignment Strategies in WDM Optical Mesh Networks

M. Sarhan and A. El-Amawy (USA)


Probability of Collision, RWA Problem, WDM Mesh, Optimum Wavelength Assignment.


In this paper, we derive several optimum wavelength assignment strategies for regular WDM meshes. The concept is to find the routing algorithm and the wavelength assignment so as to minimize the probability of collision. We assume different numbers of wavelengths and proceed to minimize the blocking probabilities assuming uniform distribution of destinations in several cases and non-uniform distribution in one case. The results show that it is possible to have such optimum strategies. The concepts underlying this work can be extended to optimize irregular networks. Alternatively, an optimum virtual regular mesh can be embedded in the irregular graph so as to utilize the power and performance obtainable with regular topologies.

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