Network Modeling and Cost Analysis for Multistage Passive Optical Networks

T. Matsumoto and D. Udagawa (Japan)


Access networks, PON, Network model, and Cost


The passive optical network (PON) is a cost- and space effective architecture for implementing optical access networks. Single-to-multiple fiber conversion is made using passive optical devices located at intermediate points therein. We propose an analytic network model that reflects the optical-fiber layout of actual multistage PONs and is suitable for estimating the costs of the networks. Using a cost model based on the mass effect of optical-fiber bundles and the relationship between the cost and the number of diverging ports of passive optical devices, we estimate the cost of PONs and discuss the relationship between the cost and network parameters. Numerical results for two-stage and three-stage PONs are presented. We find that there is an optimum number of diverging ports of passive optical devices at which the cost of the PON is minimized. The optimum number varies with the change in the mass effect of the optical fiber bundles and the cost of the passive optical devices.

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