Supporting the Iterative Development of Sequence Diagrams and Statecharts

H. Hasegawa, S. Takada, and N. Doi (Japan)


software development, software tools, analysis and designmodels, inconsistency checking


Many artifacts that are produced during software develop ment are not independent, but are interrelated, i.e., they each show a view of the software to be developed from a different perspective. Thus changes to one artifact need to be reflected in other artifacts, even if they were constructed in different development phases. In this paper, we take Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) and UML Statecharts as example artifacts from the requirements analysis phase and the design phase, respectively, and propose an iterative development approach. Our approach is based on the au tomatic generation of Statecharts from MSCs and also the updating of MSCs to reflect modifications made to State charts. Our approach also detects inconsistencies in MSCs and Statecharts, so that they can be constructed and modi fied correctly.

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