A Survey of Application Service Providing in the European Market

T. Klostermann and T. Specht (Germany)


Application Service Providing, ASP Market, Survey


Application Service Providing (ASP) covers the management, hosting and delivery of software applications and services to multiple customers from a centrally located server across the Internet or a private network by usage of a rental or leasing agreement. A typical ASP solution model includes the offering of suitable application software, the data centres where the data and applications reside, the providing of network services, e.g. leased lines or VPN as well as suitable hardware in order to fulfil the required performance and at last the implementation and integration of heterogeneous systems under special consideration of the customer needs. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and describe the main ASP market drivers and latest trends in Europe including some major technological developments, the requirements from different point of views as well as terms of use, challenges and technologies. The paper is based on the latest results of a market study carried out in the European funded research project "ASP-NG Application Service Providing Next Generation" [1].

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