Spatial Analysis and Modeling Tool – Structure, Possibilities and Applications

R. Wieland and M. Voss (Germany)


Geographic Information Systems, Neural Networks,Fuzzy-Modeling, 3D Data Modeling and Visualization,Land Use, Ecosystems


This paper presents an overview of the integrated spatial simulation tool SAMT. Land use issues are intrinsically multidisciplinary, involving a number of factors acting in teractively, leading to landscape and land use changes. Therefore, an analytical tool for land use simulation must be integrated in nature, combining ecologic and economic variables and must provide framework for their integration. Traditional geographic information systems or modeling systems have specific disadvantages. To overcome these disadvantages, a new tool was developed with the focus of interactive spatial simulation. Included in SAMT is expert knowledge (fuzzy models) or extract models for examples (neural networks). SAMT provides a framework to include dynamic models like cellular automata or individual-based models. These techniques together with new data analysis techniques including new techniques of 3D-visualization (NURBS, Splatter technique etc.) are the basis to do an interactive simulation. As an application for integration of economic and ecologic models a simple erosion model is used. Firstly the land use will be determined with an eco nomic model, based on linear programming. Secondly the erosion model uses the land use map from the economic model. SAMT itself is open source software and freely available.

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